Smochin „Brown Turkey” 1.50 - 2.00 m / Ficus carica „Brown Turkey” /
- Regular price
341,00 lei - Regular price
487,00 lei - Sale price
341,00 lei
Ficus carica „Brown Turkey” ( Smochin „Brown Turkey”) este originar din Asia de Vest si Estul Mediteraneean. Arbust foios lat sau arbore fructifer de talie mica crescut deseori in gradini pentru a crea umbra sau ca si planta ornamentala datorita frunzelor sale mari polimorfe, dar adesea palmate cu 3-5 lobi rotunjiti, verde inchis pe partea superioara si verde mai pal pe cea inferioara. Fructele sunt comestibile, extrem de dulci, ovale cu coaja maro-violet si pulpa roz inchis. Greutate medie a fructului este de 40-50 grame. Este o specie ideala pentru a fi plantata in ghivece datorita cresterii sale limitate, foarte productiva si rezistenta la frig. Se dezvolta foarte bine in locurile insorite si calduroase, prefera solurile afanate, fertile, reci, permeabile si suporta seceta. Tolereaza climatul maritim atat timp cat este protejat de salinitatea directa.
Inaltime maxima : 3 - 5 m
Latime maxima : 4 - 6 m
Zona 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (rezistenta temperaturi minime).
Crestere : moderata.
Amplasare : soare, semi-umbra.
Zone de rezistenta pentru plante in Europa :
Temperaturi minime medii anuale in °C*
Zona 1 < -45.5°C
Zona 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C
Zona 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C
Zona 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C
Zona 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C
Zona 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C
Zona 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C
Zona 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C
Zona 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C
Zona 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C
Zona 11 > +4.4°C
* Temperaturile minime sunt un factor important care determina rezistenta plantelor (abilitatea plantelor de a supravietui in locuri unde pot aparea aceste temperaturi minime).
Acest principiu a fost creat la inceputul anilor 1960 de catre „Department of Agriculture in the United States of America” si apoi a fost adaptat pentru Europa de catre W. Heinz si D. Schreiber.
In baza acestui principiu, Europa a fost impartita in 11 zone.
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Delivery details
Depending on the type of product ordered, the products bought from the Gradina Noastra online store can be delivered: - by own fleet - by courier or transport exchange Deliveries are made exclusively on the territory of Romania, by the delivery method available and displayed for each individual product . For logistical reasons, orders containing bulky plants are delivered by our own fleet or the transport exchange. Products reduced in size and volume are delivered by courier.
Delivery costs are calculated automatically in the shopping cart, after entering the delivery address. For products delivered by our own fleet, the costs vary depending on the distance from the Gradina Noastra store to the delivery address, as well as the total value of the goods ordered or the weight and volume of the products. For products delivered by courier, the delivery fee is determined according to the weight of the order.
Products can be delivered within 1-3 working days (for Bucharest and Ilfov) and 1-5 working days (for the rest of the country) from the order confirmation date, for products marked "In stock".
- Transport cost Corbeanca, Otopeni, Balotesti 50 lei (VAT included);*
- Transport cost Bucharest and Ilfov 100 lei (VAT included);*
- Transport cost Bragadiru, Magurele, Jilava, Commune Berceni and Popesti-Leordeni 150 lei (VAT included);
- Transport cost to other counties in the country 2.5 lei/km+VAT (own fleet or transport exchange).
Delivery terms may undergo unforeseen changes during the state of emergency or state of alert established as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
While we aim to ship your order as soon as possible, no delivery time is guaranteed. Due to various often unforeseen circumstances that may affect delivery, including but not limited to: floods, blocked roads, traffic jams, no delivery time is guaranteed.
* For orders that exceed the amount of 5000 lei (VAT included), no shipping cost is charged.
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We are happy to answer your questions! Do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form, by phone or our chat service. Our operating hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for public holidays.